


Custom Tag class to be used for defining a Panel. A simple example includes:
 <web:panel language="1" name="lTbar" position="horizontal" halign="right">

The panel to be displayed here will expand and collapse horizontally, having the open/close button placed on the top-right side of the panel. For adding more formatting to the panel, the children tags that can be used include:
For delimiting the content of the panel, the
has to be used.
For example:
 <web:panel language="1" name="lTbar" position="vertical" halign="left">
   <web:panelOpenInfo img="images/1arrow_right.gif">
     Show Left Toolbar
   <web:panelCloseInfo img="images/1arrow_left.gif">
     Hide Left Toolbar
   <web:panelTitle>NEED HELP?</web:panelTitle>

Which will display a panel that expands and collapses vertically, with a title (Need Help) and an image on its left side that changes depending if the panel is shown opened or closed.
For the images it uses by default for formatting, it uses the base path specified on the mstrPage instance saved on the request object, defined on the AppContext.

Name Required? Description
halign false Indicates the horizontal location (alignment) of the graphic that will be used for expanding/collapsing the panel.
The panel can have an image associated to it, where the user will click for having the panel opened or closed. The use of the image is optional,
Possible values include right if the image for representing the panel open or closed is to be placed on the right side, or left. If not specified, it will default to left.
language true Sets the language type to be used for creating the panel.
This attribute indicates if the panel will work in HTML or DHTML mode. Even that this attribute might specify the panel works on DHTML mode, it might be rendered as HTML if the user's view preference indicates it is on HTML or in Accessibility Mode.
Possible values include 0 for using HTML mode and 1 for generating DHTML code.
name true Indicates the name -unique identifier- of the panel to be displayed.
The panes need to have a name assigned if they are going to be enabled for DHTML, JavaScript and cookie environments. If no name is assigned, none will be set to them by default and it will make the panel not functional in the environments mentioned before. Since all the panels are designed to remember their last state with cookies (or other structures if cookies not enabled) then it is a requirement to have them defined with a name.
position false Indicates the position the panel will have when rendered.
The panel to display could be specified to collapse and expand vertically or horizontally, this attribute allows the users to define its behavior.
Possible values include vertical for it to expand and collapse vertically (up and down), or horizontal (left and right). If not specified, the default value is vertical.
useImage false Indicates if there's an image to display as part of the header, for the user to be able to click on it for opening or closing the panel.
A panel might not have an image if it's to be displayed based on another panel's state, so the user does not quite control when it should be opened or not. Usage:
The possible values for this attribute include true and false. By default it is false.
valign false Indicates the vertical location (alignment) of the graphic that will be used for expanding/collapsing the panel.
The panel can have an image related to it, where the user will click for having the panel opened or closed. The use of this image is optional.
Possible values include top if the title and image for representing the panel open or closed is to be placed on top, or bottom. If not specified, it will default to top.
width false Indicates the overall width of the panel to be displayed.
If the panel is to have a specific width, it can be defined here. If none, then the table that will hold the contents of the panel will default to be 100% according to its context.